Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Persecuted Church

People chained to the ground for many months. People locked away in cold prison cells. People shoved into over-crowded shipping containers, only being allowed to see the the light a few precious times during the day. People shot, hacked, and stabbed to death. People forced to witness friends and family shot, hacked, and stabbed to death. People denied education and better lives. People whose parents or children are taken away from them, sometimes never to be seen again. People living in a constant state of fear, not knowing when the police or government will show up at their door to drag them away to prison. What do all these people have in common? They are Christians around the world who are suffering because of their faith in Jesus Christ. They are the persecuted church.

It has been eye opening for me reading about the stories of the persecuted church. Stories of people who suffer greatly and sacrifice much all because they refuse to deny their faith and trust in Jesus. People who truly know that if they desire to live godly lives they will face persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). That they are hated because Christ was hated first (John 15:18). That their present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in them (Romans 8:18). That their light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for them a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory (2 Corinthians 4:17). That to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). They continue to grow in faith and maturity as they cling to the precious words of the Bible in the midst of the trials and tribulations in life.

What I find most amazing about the persecuted church is that they continue to thrive despite all that they face. House church networks all over China continue to grow and expand despite the intense efforts of Chinese government to eradicate Christianity from their boarders. Many leaders of these churches have been captured, thrown in prison, forced to perform grueling labor, and have been tortured and beaten. Some have been thrown in prison multiple times. Yet during these times they hold on to the truths that they know. They count it all joy that they are able to share in the suffering of Christ. And when they are finally released, they continue to preach the gospel. And the house churches continue to grow all the more. One such church leader shared his experiences in prison with Open Doors ministry. His testimony can be found at the link bellow. It is a powerful story and worth reading.


When I read his story, it helps me to realize my current problems really aren't all that big. It teaches me to be thankful for the freedoms that I have living in the USA; to not take them for granted. It begs the question, if loving God became a crime in the USA, would there be enough evidence to convict me of being a Christian? Would I be able to stand firm in the face of persecution? Would I be able to count it all joy? Would you?

To those reading this, let us not forget our brothers and sisters around the world who daily experience persecution. Let us keep them in our prayers as they are desperately in need of encouragement for all they go through. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Egypt, Iran, North Korea, China, Indonesia, and the far corners of the world. For the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. Let us remember, the persecuted church.

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