Packed to the brim, the banquet hall was filled with guests chattering boisterously over plates filled with sumptuous food. I sat amongst the guests, digging into my own plate. The savory food and smooth drink livened the taste buds, an excellent meal. The flavor exploded onto the tongue, and a warm, euphoric feeling washed over me.
Our hosted entered the scene. Tall and proud, adorned with splendor and dressed like a king, he sauntered about the room watching the guests, a smirk upon his regal face. He carried himself with authority, though with a very arrogant air about him. A few acknowledged his presence, most continued to eat.
The atmosphere was energetic and hectic. The guests ate in haste as though time was short, as though this was their last meal. Hidden beneath all the energy and the noise was a sense of fear, though few seemed aware. The energetic, boisterous atmosphere was artificial, fake. At first I was not aware, for this sense was clouded by a false sense of liveliness and vitality. But as time wore in, I was slowly roused to my situation.
It started with a noise. A faint noise at that, but a noise none the less. It was a rumbling. A low rumbling. At first I couldn't place it, but the horrible truth soon became evident. It came from me. This food, though savory, and this drink, though smooth did not fill. I took another bite. I felt the lump go down my throat. It went down, down, down... then... nothing. More rumbling, this time louder. I took some of the drink. It too did not satisfy; the liquid simply evaporating before bringing any real nourishment. The rumbling was becoming audible. As this revelation dawned on me, I became aware of a new sound. The same rumbling, though it did not come from me, but from the guest sitting next to me. This guest, however, was not aware of his present state. More rumbling, this time from the guest on my other side. Another horrible truth began to dawn on me. The noise within this banquet all was not talking at all, but a rumbling, growling sound coming from the empty stomachs of all the guests. This noise, overwhelming and overpowering, filled me with dread and despair. Who could save me from this banquet hall of death!
When all seemed hopeless, and fear threaten to overcome me, I began to feel a new presence. This presence, contrary to the atmosphere of the hall, was filled with life. This presence brought hope amidst the despair. This presence, even just being present, began to fill me like none of the food I had been eating could. The presence whispered my name. It called out to me. The voice was tender and kind. It was as gentile as a cool breeze on a warm summers day, as freshly washed linens. Somewhere, deep in my heart, I had known all along that this presence was there, calling out to me. I had been simply ignoring it all along. As I was about to get up, I hesitated. Staring directly at me was my host. Gone was his smile. In its place was a slight frown, a quizzical expression. I felt a touch of doubt. How could I leave behind what I have always known? I sat down, defeated. I cried and wept. The presence called out again. I tried to ignore it, but it was persistent. I knew it could offer so much more, something much better than what I had. But I was afraid.
A hand touched my shoulder. "Come", the presence said. It took me by the hand and I got to my feet. It lead me away from the hall toward an unseen door. The host of the hall glared furiously, but was powerless to act. The presence lead me through the door to another hall. A different banquet hall. This hall too was filled with guests. But unlike the guests at the other hall, these guests were not controlled by fear. These guests were filled with joy and life.The guests welcomed me gladly and offered me a seat at the table.
I sat down and took the food and drink that had been prepared for me. This food and drink, like the other banquet hall, was also savory and smooth. But unlike the other hall, this food truly satisfies, and the drink truly nourishes. As I ate, I was filled. Filled with new life and energy. Here, I was truly satisfied.
The host for this hall entered the room. Unlike the host from the other hall, this man was dressed in a simple bright white robe, but had the unmistakable air of a true, noble king. A warm, inviting smile adorned this host's face. He looked upon his guests with love in his eyes and served them whenever there was need. He would talk with the guests, and knew each by name.
The atmosphere here was warm and inviting. The guests here were relaxed and calm. Not a trace of fear could be found. Their eyes held their host in reverent awe.
It was then that I heard another voice. It called out to me. It flowed like velvet, and was sly and cunning. It reminded me of what I had, what I was missing. It called me, invited me back. I turned and looked toward the source. It was the host from the other banquet hall. He stood at the door, though he could not enter the hall. He accused the guests, calling them fakes and hypocrites. He denounced the food, calling it tasteless and unsatisfying. Though his arms were open wide and inviting, and though his words smooth and convincing, his eyes held nothing but hatred and deceit.
Confusion, doubt, and fear swept over me like a dark cloud blocks out the sun. As tears filled my eyes, I felt the hand of the presence from before on my shoulders. I looked up and saw this presence had a face, the host of the banquet hall. He showed me his pierced hands. He showed me his pierced side. He told me he had redeemed me. He told me that he had bought me. He told me that I had been adopted into his family, that I was his son. That I no longer needed to live in fear.
I was faced with a choice. To return to what I had always known. To return to the former way of life. To return to food that could not fill, and to drink that could not satisfy. To return to that banquet hall filled with death and decay. Or to remain where I belonged. To remain in this newness of life. To remain where the food truly fills, and where the drink truly satisfies. To remain in the banquet hall of life, where I was the son of the host.
The first banquet hall represents the world, and its host is Satan. The father of lies. The accuser. The roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. The thief who comes to steal, to kill, to destroy. The food and drink represents all the things the world has to offer: money, wealth, fame, power, pleasure. Things that satisfy for a moment, but never truly fill. The guests here are those who inwardly fear the coming wrath of the day of judgment but are oblivious to the fate that awaits them and have buried the truth under a mountain of lies.
The second banquet hall represents the kingdom of God, and its host is Jesus Christ. The way, the truth, and the life. The good Shepard. The one who has come to give us life that we may live it to the full. The one who has purchased us with his blood that we may be sons and daughters of God. The food and drink here represents the body and blood of Christ. The body broken for us on the cross, dieing in our place. The blood shed for us for the complete forgiveness of all our sins. The guests here are the sons and daughters of God. Those who do not fear death, for they know they have an eternal home in heaven.
We are all eating at one banquet hall or the other. We are all guests of ether the hall of sin and death, or the hall of truth and life. Now ask yourself this question: where am I? Think about it.
Simply breath taking!!
ReplyDeleteAgain, you write so very beautifully! So simple. So to the point.
Continue to walk the walk! You are an incredible inspiration and source of enouragement. You really have a way of putting things into perspective.
God Bless You!