I remember as a child going to the beach and building castles on the sand. I would labor tirelessly digging trenches, building towers, making elaborate structures, constructing walls. Then, out of the blue, a big ole wave would come rushing up and obliterate part of the castle. The walls no match for the power of the wave. As the walls disintegrated, the water would flood the trenches. The elaborately built towers would start to collapse as the foundation corroded away. In haste, I would do all in my power to rebuild the walls, to restore the structure. But then another big wave would come. Then another. And another. I fought a loosing battle as I watched my castle come crumbling down around me. It was no match for the waves.
I also remember having a sand toy that was a sieve. It had a plastic mesh with square holes. I could fill it up with sand, but in a matter of moments the sand would filter through the square holes, and the sieve would be empty again.
Success. Money and wealth. Fame and fortune. Dating relationships. Marriage. Having kids. Owning a house. That dream job. That exotic sports car. That big screen TV. These are just a few of the things the world says we will find fulfillment in. If we are successful, then we will be happy. If we have lots of money and can buy anything we want, then we will be happy. If you are single, then you need to get into a relationship to be happy. If you are in a relationship, you have to get married to that person in order to be happy. If you are married to someone, then you need to have kids, own a home, and have a car to be happy. But what happens when we get those things? Are we really happy? Are we really satisfied? Maybe for a bit. But we are left wanting more. After a while, we need more to be happy. We need more to find fulfillment. We need more to be satisfied. The things we already have aren't enough because we are told that we always need more. And we buy into it. Hook, line, and sinker. We put so much time and effort into things that, in the end, only bring us a little bit of satisfaction. But that satisfaction quickly fades away, like our castles in the sand, and we are left empty. That's really messed up. Is that anyway to live life? Is that what it is really all about?
Like sand in the sieve, we try to fill out lives with things we think will
bring us fulfillment. We want what we want right now. We don't want to wait. We
want to have that happiness, that joy, that satisfaction, that fulfillment
right now. We want relief from our stress right now, so we smoke cigarettes to
relax. We want relief from the pains in life right now, so we get drunk or high
to block it all out. We want pleasure right now, so we watch porn, or have sex
with people we barely even know. We want to buy cool things to impress our
friends right now, so we spend all our money, max out credit cards, and get
into debt to get those things. We want so many things right now, and we will do
whatever it takes to get those things. But what happens when we get those
things? Are we really happy? Are we really satisfied? Maybe for a bit. But like
just as quickly as the sand gets filtered through the sieve, so too our
happiness and satisfaction quickly evaporate and we are left empty. Is that
anyway to live life? Is that what life is really all about?
What is life really about? What are we here for? What will really bring that
lasting joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life?
In the beginning, God created man and woman in his own image. He placed them in a beautiful garden, the garden of Eden, where they regularly communed with God. They walked and talked with Him, and shared in His infinite love, joy, peace. They found fulfillment and satisfaction in this, and in doing His will; caring for the garden and the creatures living there. It must have been an amazing experience! Imagine, being in a garden far more splendid and beautiful then all of the seven wonders of the world combined, and being able to commune with God! Your own creator who made you in His image and likeness! Real joy, love, satisfaction, fulfillment in doing the Creator's will and just being in His presence! It was perfection!
Well, almost perfection. Then sin came into the picture. Man disobeyed God by eating of the one tree in the entire garden of which they were commanded not to eat. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan came on the scene and convinced man that God was holding back on them. "Did God really say, 'you must not eat from any tree in the garden'? Oh, so God said you couldn't eat from only that one tree now did he? And you will surely die if you do? Naw, you won't surely die. God's holding back on you. He doesn't want you to be like him, knowing both good and evil. Look! The fruit is good for eating! It is pleasing to the eye! You can gain real wisdom! Just eat, and you will truly be satisfied, for you will be like God."
So man ate of the food. But what really happened? Where they really happy? Where they really satisfied? Maybe for the first few bites. But then their eyes were open, and they became self-aware. They realized they were naked and hid themselves. They felt ashamed. They became afraid of God. God knew immediately what had happened and confronted them. Because of their disobedience, they were removed from the garden of Eden, and could not return.
I wounder what that must have felt like. To have been removed from the garden, and separated from that regular communion with God. To have severed that deep, intimate connection with their Creator. To no longer be able to fully experience the Creator's love, joy, peace and the satisfaction and fulfillment that came from that. It might have felt something like this:
Picture yourself having married an amazing person. This person is the one. Your connection with this person is so deep, and intimate that no amount of words in any language could describe it. This person is everything you could have hoped for and so much more. This person may not be a model, but they have such a beautiful heart. You cherish and love each other very deeply.
But then someone else enters the picture. And this person is drop-dead-gorgeous. Incredibly hot and seductive. Their words as sweet as honey and flow silky-smooth. They entice you and you give in. You give in and commit adultery with this person. Then your spouse finds out. And they are utterly devastated. Devastated and crushed. Devastated and crushed and hurt deeply. They had given you something so precious, so pure. They had given you their heart, their love. But in your quest for fulfilling your own selfish desires, you cast it aside for something far less. And you know it. You feel it. It tears you up inside. Your connection with your spouse becomes severed, and they leave you.
That is only a fraction of what Adan and Eve must have felt. They were created to be image bearers of God. They were created to do His will. They experienced the fullness of God's love, joy and peace. But they blew it. Big time. So too we are created in God's image to be image bearers of God. This is our purpose. That is why we are here.
But wait! If we are called to be image bearers of God, that would require us to be perfect right? To be holy as God is holy. How is that even possible? I mean, we have a hard enough time doing what is right with our flesh constantly pulling us this way and that, let alone being perfect. After all we are tainted by sin and naturally do what is wrong! How then, is it even possible for us to be an image bearer of God?
You are correct. It is impossible. It is impossible for us to do any good on our own. Even the "good" that we do is like filthy rags before God. We are incapable of being image bearers of God on our own power.
So is that it? Are we stuck? Are we doomed to eternal punishment because of our sin and our in ability to perfectly live out our calling?
In our current state, yes. But wait! There is more to the story! Before God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden God gave them a promise in the form of a curse to Satan: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel" (Genesis 3:15). This "he" who will crush the serpent's head is non other than Jesus Christ, God's only son. And Jesus Christ did indeed come into the world to fulfill that very purpose. He came so that we may have life and live it to the full (John 10:10). He did not come to fulfill the desires of his flesh, but to serve others, and ultimately give his life as a ransom for ours (Mark 10:45). He came to die on a cruel cross, to bear the curse of our sin for us, and to be the righteous, perfect substitute for our unrighteousness (1 Peter 3:18, Galatians 3:13). He was the perfect image of God for he was fully God and fully man. He came to do what we could not do and die, not because of anything he had done, but for all that we had done. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, he crushed Satan's head and will cast Satan into the flaming abyss in the end times. Jesus' blood was shed for our sin, and we are washed white as snow (Matthew 26:27 , Isaiah 1:18). Jesus' blood is what makes us holy, and we can enter God's presence with confidence for we are clothed with garments of righteousness (Hebrews 10:19-20, 13:12, Isaiah 61:10). So we are not doomed at all! But instead we are declared holy and righteous before God through Christ's blood shed for us on the cross.We image God not by what we do, but by what Christ has already done for us!
So now we are faced with a choice. Will we accept by faith what God has done for us through the person and work of Jesus Christ? Will we allow Him to work in us and through us? Will we seek to love God and be loved, sustained, and fulfilled by Him alone? Or will we choose to live for our own selfish desires? Will we waste away our lives chasing after what the world says will bring us fulfillment only to receive a small amount of satisfaction that quickly evaporates? Will we try to satisfy our wants only to be left empty over and over again? The castles in the sand will wash away, and the sieve will empty faster than we can fill it, but God's love will always remain. Choose wisely.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Along ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
By: Remedy Drive
It’s not everything it seems - the world and its dreams
Slipping like water through my hands tonight
All the things I thought would fill me up inside
Left me empty here - and now I know why
All along I was looking for something else
You’re something else
All along I was looking for something more
You’re so much more
I finally found what I could never see before
You’ve always been the one that I was looking for
All of my castles in the sand - washed away again
And I’m left back where I began tonight
The only thing that can ever fill me up
Has been right in front of me all the time
All along I was looking for something else
You’re something else
All along I was looking for something more
You’re so much more
I finally found what I could never see before
You’ve always been the one that I was looking for
And I won’t miss you - I won’t miss you this time
And I say I want you - yeah I want you in my life
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thanksgiving. A time to give thanks
Thanksgiving. Gratitude. Thankfulness. Gratefulness. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we often do not take time to sit back, think about all God has blessed us with, and give thanks for those things. Thankfulness. Gratefulness. These are the things that should characterize our lives as Christians. Thanksgiving. Gratitude. What are you thankful for? Here is a list of a few things that I am thankful for:
Being challenged in my faith during this period of waiting.
Close friends I can talk to and confide in.
Not presently being sick, no having any other physical aliments.
A job.
A job with flexible hours, fringe benefits, and health/dental/eye insurance.
A place to live.
A place to live that is close to work, Meijers (practically in my back yard!), and Church.
A fridge and cupboards stocked with food.
Clean, running, drinkable water.
Clean cloths and access to a washer and dryer.
Family who loves me and is looking out for what's best for me.
Friends to laugh with and share jokes with (hurray for inside jokes!).
Women who know the temptations men face and dress modestly to prevent that temptation.
A place of fellowship, encouragement, worship and nourishment in the word.
Declaring the beauty of God's creation, and marking the end of a day filled with God's blessings.
People who pray for me, and the ability to come into the presence of a holy God and offer up my praises, and requests.
That Jesus Christ, the son of God, would die on a cross in payment for my sins, and by whose blood I am cleansed of all unrighteousness, allowing me to stand holy and blameless in the presence of almighty God.
God's love.
That crazy, unending, unconditional, unwavering, always-ever-present love in spite of all my sin and rebellion.
That love that lifts me up when I am weak.
That love which is the only true source of joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life.
Thanksgiving. Gratitude. Thankfulness. Gratefulness. What are you thankful for?
Being challenged in my faith during this period of waiting.
Close friends I can talk to and confide in.
Not presently being sick, no having any other physical aliments.
A job.
A job with flexible hours, fringe benefits, and health/dental/eye insurance.
A place to live.
A place to live that is close to work, Meijers (practically in my back yard!), and Church.
A fridge and cupboards stocked with food.
Clean, running, drinkable water.
Clean cloths and access to a washer and dryer.
Family who loves me and is looking out for what's best for me.
Friends to laugh with and share jokes with (hurray for inside jokes!).
Women who know the temptations men face and dress modestly to prevent that temptation.
A place of fellowship, encouragement, worship and nourishment in the word.
Declaring the beauty of God's creation, and marking the end of a day filled with God's blessings.
People who pray for me, and the ability to come into the presence of a holy God and offer up my praises, and requests.
That Jesus Christ, the son of God, would die on a cross in payment for my sins, and by whose blood I am cleansed of all unrighteousness, allowing me to stand holy and blameless in the presence of almighty God.
God's love.
That crazy, unending, unconditional, unwavering, always-ever-present love in spite of all my sin and rebellion.
That love that lifts me up when I am weak.
That love which is the only true source of joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life.
Thanksgiving. Gratitude. Thankfulness. Gratefulness. What are you thankful for?
Friday, November 11, 2011
"Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday..." - The Princess Bride
Marriage. True love. We see it portrayed countless times in many Hollywood and Disney movies. Man meets woman. They fall in love. Then tragedy befalls them. But against all odds, love triumphs and the two become married and live happily ever after. The end. Marriage and love becomes like a fairy tail, and we wish and hope it will turn out that way. We long to fall in love. We long to find that special someone that we will spend the rest of our lives with. We long for that prince charming or Cinderella to come into our lives, whisk us off our feet, and take us to a place where the love never ends. But it all seems like a fairy tail meant for the movies. Our relationships with the opposite sex crash and burn. We face breakups and heartaches. Just when we think we have got something good, it falls apart. It all seems too good to be true. And yet, we put ourselves through the same situations time and time again, thinking we will find happiness, joy, and satisfaction in another relationship. Well, that's what the media says anyways. The media says we need to find that special someone, get married, buy a house, and have children in order to be happy. The media says we need to dress, talk, and act a certain way in order to attract that special someone. The media says we need to follow the latest trends, wear the right cloths, be slim and fit in order to be desirable. The media says allot.
But what does God say? In the midst of all the voices, pulling us each and every way, God is still speaking. Ever so genteelly. Saying that there is more to life than this. Saying that we don't have to fit a certain mold. Saying that He accepts us for who we are. God has something far greater to offer us. Something far greater than any fairy tail marriage can offer. Something far greater than anything the world offers. He offers us His love. Not just any kind of love. Unconditional love. Love with no strings attached. Love that never ends. Love that doesn't run out. Love that overcomes all barriers. Love in spite of all we have done. Love in spite of all our rebellion and sin. Love in spite of all the times we push God away, saying that we have found something better to fill our lives with. Love made possible through the death of His son on the cross. "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:10. This is true love. This is real love. True love, true joy, true satisfaction in this life can only be found in God. Until we are satisfied in the Lord alone; until we are content with being loved by God alone; until we give ourselves fully to God alone; we won't be able to experience real love with another. We won't be able to show unconditional love to another. We won't have full satisfaction and fulfillment in life.
Marriage. True love. Good things come to those who wait. Good things come to those who wait on God. Good things come to those whose source of love, joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life come from God.
"I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the LORD
in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD."
- Psalm 27:13-24
Marriage. True love. We see it portrayed countless times in many Hollywood and Disney movies. Man meets woman. They fall in love. Then tragedy befalls them. But against all odds, love triumphs and the two become married and live happily ever after. The end. Marriage and love becomes like a fairy tail, and we wish and hope it will turn out that way. We long to fall in love. We long to find that special someone that we will spend the rest of our lives with. We long for that prince charming or Cinderella to come into our lives, whisk us off our feet, and take us to a place where the love never ends. But it all seems like a fairy tail meant for the movies. Our relationships with the opposite sex crash and burn. We face breakups and heartaches. Just when we think we have got something good, it falls apart. It all seems too good to be true. And yet, we put ourselves through the same situations time and time again, thinking we will find happiness, joy, and satisfaction in another relationship. Well, that's what the media says anyways. The media says we need to find that special someone, get married, buy a house, and have children in order to be happy. The media says we need to dress, talk, and act a certain way in order to attract that special someone. The media says we need to follow the latest trends, wear the right cloths, be slim and fit in order to be desirable. The media says allot.
But what does God say? In the midst of all the voices, pulling us each and every way, God is still speaking. Ever so genteelly. Saying that there is more to life than this. Saying that we don't have to fit a certain mold. Saying that He accepts us for who we are. God has something far greater to offer us. Something far greater than any fairy tail marriage can offer. Something far greater than anything the world offers. He offers us His love. Not just any kind of love. Unconditional love. Love with no strings attached. Love that never ends. Love that doesn't run out. Love that overcomes all barriers. Love in spite of all we have done. Love in spite of all our rebellion and sin. Love in spite of all the times we push God away, saying that we have found something better to fill our lives with. Love made possible through the death of His son on the cross. "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:10. This is true love. This is real love. True love, true joy, true satisfaction in this life can only be found in God. Until we are satisfied in the Lord alone; until we are content with being loved by God alone; until we give ourselves fully to God alone; we won't be able to experience real love with another. We won't be able to show unconditional love to another. We won't have full satisfaction and fulfillment in life.
Marriage. True love. Good things come to those who wait. Good things come to those who wait on God. Good things come to those whose source of love, joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life come from God.
"I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the LORD
in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD."
- Psalm 27:13-24
Friday, November 4, 2011
Exiled. It's been 70 years. This is the year that God promised through Jeremiah's letter that the people would be set free. Set free from this captivity in Babylon. Will God remember? Will He follow through? Will He keep He keep His promises?
Exiled. "The Persians are coming!" Comes the call. There is much excitement from the Israelites. Could this be it? Will they set us free from this bondage? Is this the fulfillment of God's promises? Some are cynical and scoff, "They haven't come to set us free. They will only put us under more bondage. Things won't change. This is our life now." But others are moved. Their eyes are alight with joy. Their hearts are stirred. They know they are going home.
Exiled. King Cyrus, King of the Persians, is coming. The one whom Isaiah calls "anointed". His army marches into the heart of Babylon without contention. His rule and reign over Babylon secure. The proclamation is made:
"The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Any of his people among you may go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem, and may their God be with them. And in any locality where survivors may now be living, the people are to provide them with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem."
Exiled. Much excitement sirs amongst the people. People frantically scurrying about to gather their belongs. They are headed home. The cynical mock and scoff, "It's too dangerous! There is nothing to return to! Have you forgotten how Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple? The way is too hard. You won't make it. Stay here. Our home is here now." But they are moved. Their eyes are alight with joy. Their hearts are stirred. They know they are going home.
Exiled. The journey is hard. The road is long. Some loose heart and turn back. The others stay strong and press on. Their eyes are lifted to the hills. Their help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
Exiled. Home. Home at last. Their is much work to be done. Much to repair. The work is toilsome. The enemies great. But still they stand their ground. Their hearts are not moved. They are not shaken.
Exiled. Although they are home, they are not really home. They are still pilgrims in the land. Pilgrims on their way to an eternal home. They are still exiled. Waiting to be called home. Waiting for the return of Christ.
We are the exiled.
Exiled. "The Persians are coming!" Comes the call. There is much excitement from the Israelites. Could this be it? Will they set us free from this bondage? Is this the fulfillment of God's promises? Some are cynical and scoff, "They haven't come to set us free. They will only put us under more bondage. Things won't change. This is our life now." But others are moved. Their eyes are alight with joy. Their hearts are stirred. They know they are going home.
Exiled. King Cyrus, King of the Persians, is coming. The one whom Isaiah calls "anointed". His army marches into the heart of Babylon without contention. His rule and reign over Babylon secure. The proclamation is made:
"The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Any of his people among you may go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem, and may their God be with them. And in any locality where survivors may now be living, the people are to provide them with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem."
Exiled. Much excitement sirs amongst the people. People frantically scurrying about to gather their belongs. They are headed home. The cynical mock and scoff, "It's too dangerous! There is nothing to return to! Have you forgotten how Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple? The way is too hard. You won't make it. Stay here. Our home is here now." But they are moved. Their eyes are alight with joy. Their hearts are stirred. They know they are going home.
Exiled. The journey is hard. The road is long. Some loose heart and turn back. The others stay strong and press on. Their eyes are lifted to the hills. Their help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
Exiled. Home. Home at last. Their is much work to be done. Much to repair. The work is toilsome. The enemies great. But still they stand their ground. Their hearts are not moved. They are not shaken.
Exiled. Although they are home, they are not really home. They are still pilgrims in the land. Pilgrims on their way to an eternal home. They are still exiled. Waiting to be called home. Waiting for the return of Christ.
We are the exiled.
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